By offering 2 gears in combination with a regular derailleur setup, we can offer both a wide range and small gear steps just like you're used to. But by removing the front derailleur you get the dependability and performance you've always wanted.
Our goal is to optimise the drivetrain for performance. This means efficiency, durability and intuitive functionality. We see chain-based drivetrains as a solid platform to achieve this, but we want to remove its weakest link, the front derailleur, as it lacks dependability. Classified offers a wide gear range combined with small gear steps, which was only possible previously using a front derailleur. This is why the Classified hub is operated just like a regular 2x-setup.
The gear ratio/set size of the Powershift hub (1:1 ratio in the virtual big gear, and 1:0.686 ratio in the virtual small gear) is also optimised for Powershifting.