Classified cassette choice


Here we offer the same cassette choices as other drivetrain providers (Shimano, SRAM etc.) with the same gearing range as a traditional 2x system. Combined with a 1x system, the Powershift hub extends the range of gears whilst minimizing the step size between gears and reducing extreme cross chaining, making the overall drivetrain more efficient.


Combining the Powershift Boost hub with our 11-40 cassette not only matches but improves the range of other larger cassette options on the market, when ridden with a traditional 1x system. However the Classified system reduces the average gear steps from 16% to 10.5%, hence why we developed the 11-40 cassette.

Running a tighter cassette also helps maintain a a straighter chainline and reduces extreme cross training, thereby making the system more efficient and more durable. This is why we have not developed a huge cassette like a 10-52.

Classified is very open to discussing cassette options and will always listen to feedback from riders.

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