Factory service procedure for end customers

Book a Factory Service for your Powershift hub via the request button below, the Classified Cycling app or through your Classified dealer.


1. Through your Classified certified dealer

No lost miles when booking a service through a Classified certified dealer. Our certified dealers function as service centers. Simply contact your certified dealer and schedule an appointment. Your dealer will swap your Classified Powershift hub for a pit stop hub. This is a hub, specifically meant so you can keep on riding while your own hub is sent to Classified for service. 


Once the hub is serviced and shipped back to your certified dealer it only takes a 10 minute stop at the shop to swap the pit stop hub back for your own hub. And that's it.


Check our dealer locator to find out if there is a Classified certified dealer near you. You can filter on certified dealers. Certified dealers are indicated with orange, instead of white logo's.


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2. Through a Classified dealer

Any Classified dealers can help you to schedule a Factory service. Simply contact your dealer to schedule a service and bring in your bike, just like you would for regular maintenance. Your dealer will remove your Powershift hub and send into Classified for service. At Classified we are committed to process all services within 5 days. After the service the hub is shipped back to your dealer and he can install it back on the bike. You can pick up your bike.


Check our dealer locator to find out if there is a Classified dealer near you. Regular dealers are indicated with white logo's, Certified dealers are indicated with orange logo's.


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3. Our DIY solution

You can also send your Powershift hub directly to Classified for service. You will have to remove the hub from your bike, package it and send it back to our headquarters.


You can schedule the service through the button below. You will need the serial number of your hub to schedule the service. You can find instructions to find your serial number here.


Once we receive your service request we will schedule it and send you a confirmation. In this e-mail you will find the below instruction video again and also a pre-paid shipping label to send us your hub. Please do not send any accessories with the hub as we can't be held responsible for possible loss of these extra parts. You will get a notification e-mail when your hub arrives at our headquarters. We will service the hub and you will receive another e-mail with an invoice. Once this invoice has been paid, we will send back your hub. You will receive a track&trace link to follow the return shipment. Install the hub back in the bike and enjoy your ride! 


In the instruction video below we show you how to remove the hub from the wheel and package the hub.



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