TSB-004 updates seals

At Classified, we are committed to delivering the highest-quality products by maintaining rigorous production standards, and we are continuously improving our range through an ongoing enhancements programme. This commitment extends to enhancing products previously delivered, or already in use.

We are writing to inform you about recent improvements to our product sealing which may affect the products you have sold or hold in stock.

We have identified four potential upgrades available to enhance those products:

  • Upgrades 1, 2 and 3: You can quickly and easily complete these improvements for your customers or the stock you hold. We will provide all the necessary tools and components.
  • Upgrade 4: This upgrade will require a complete Classified Factory Service.

Please refer to the table below for details, including the affected serial numbers.

Upgrade ID Components/parts Improvement Replacement/service required
1 Thru-axle cap

New black O-ring with improved sealing


Yes, below serial number 0029244.
2 Satellite shift button

New black O-ring with improved sealing


Yes, for all sprint buttons with a transparent O-ring. See the identification method below.
3 Front hub New end-caps with improved sealing Yes, for all front wheels manufactured before August 26 2024, or see the identification method below.
4 Powershift hub 142 ETS and 142 ITS

New bearings with improved sealing (red colour)


Yes, Classified will offer a free bearing service for hubs with a serial number below 0012735.


1. Thru-axle handle cap replacement

1.1 Context

A new O-ring has been developed to improve the sealing capacity of the thru-axle cap.

This new cap requires minimal effort to install and will prevent water from entering the thru-axle and causing damage. We strongly recommend replacing the thru-axle cap as this improvement significantly enhances the axle's water resistance.


1.2 How to identify if you need to make an upgrade?

The O-rings on the old thru-axle cap are orange. The new O-rings are black.

1.3 Procedure for stock

  1. We will send you 5 service kits to service the axles you have in stock and your customers' thru-axles. These will be shipped in the coming week.
  2. Once you receive the service kits, replace the caps of the thru-axles you have in stock. To avoid mistakes, throw away the old caps responsibly.

1.4 Procedure for customers

  1. We recommend contacting any customers who have bought Classified thru-axles from you. To facilitate communication, we have drafted an email for you to send to your customers. Alternatively, you can do this when the customer’s bike is next in your workshop for service.

  2. Once you have your customer's bike in hand, replace the cap of the thru-axles. To avoid mistakes, throw away the old caps responsibly.

1.5 Affected components

All thru-axle variants - serial numbers up to – 0029244


Article numbers

029_002_02 029_039_00 029_114_00 029_133_00
029_020_02 029_047_00 029_123_00 029_134_00
029_026_02 029_054_00 029_124_00 029_135_00
029_027_01 029_070_00 029_126_00 029_137_00
029_037_00 029_090_00 029_129_00 029_138_00
029_038_00 029_097_00 029_132_00 029_140_00


2. Shift button

2.1 Context

A new O-ring has been developed to improve the sealing capacity of the shift button jack plug in the handlebar unit. The new O-ring is thicker and stays in place better when plugging the shifter's jack into the unit. Installation of this new O-ring requires very little effort and will prevent water from entering the handlebar unit and causing damage.


2.2 How to identify if you need to make an upgrade

The old O-rings on the satellite shift button jack are transparent. The new O-rings are black.


2.3 Procedure for stock

    1. The new O-rings for the satellite shift button will be included in the service kit for the thru-axle cap. No additional action is required to request these O-rings.
    2. Replace the O-rings on the satellite shift buttons you have in stock. It is very important to throw away the old O-rings responsibly to avoid mistakes.

2.4 Procedure for customers

      1. We recommend contacting your customers who have bought Classified satellite shift buttons. To facilitate communication, we have drafted an email that you can send to your customers. This is the same email as mentioned under 1.4.1. Alternatively, you can perform this service when the customer’s bike is next in your workshop for service.
      2. Once you have your customer's bike in hand, replace the O-ring on the jack of the shift button. To avoid mistakes, throw away the old caps responsibly.

2.5 Affected components

All satellite shift buttons and integrated Shimano Di2 shifters with a transparent O-ring on the jack that plugs into the handlebar unit. Shift buttons manufactured after 23rd April 2023 already have a black O-ring.


3. Classified front hub upgrade

3.1 Context

Based on feedback from pro riders, athletes and customers, we have implemented changes to our front hub end caps. These new end caps provide significantly better sealing and protection from any ingress and improve the potential lifespan of the bearings.


3.2 How to identify if you need to make an upgrade


 3.3 Procedure

    1. The new end caps will be included in the service kit for the thru-axle cap. No additional action is required to request these end caps.
    2. Replace the end caps on the Classified front wheels you have in stock. It is very important to throw away the old end caps responsibly to avoid mistakes.
    3. We recommend that you replace customer’s end caps when their bike is next at your workshop for service.

3.4 Affected components

Wheel model  Article code 
Front Wheel Gravel 1.9  WHFGR19_03 
Front Wheel Gravel 3.0  WHFGR30_03 
Front wheel Gravel 4.2 MY2024  WHFGR42_04 
Front Wheel Road 3.5  WHFRD35_03 
Front Wheel Road 3.6 MY2024  WHFRD36_04 
Front wheel Road 5.0  WHFRD50_03 
Front Wheel Road 5.0 MY2024  WHFRD50_04 
Front Wheel MTB M2530  WHFM2530_03 
Wheelset Gravel 1.9 CLA (only front wheel)  [WHSGR19_03]  

Wheelset Gravel 3.0 CLA (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Gravel 3.0 CLA Chrome (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Gravel 3.0 CLA Gold (only front wheel) 

WHSGR30_03 (only front wheel) 

CWHSGR30_03 (only front wheel) 

GWHSGR30_03 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Gravel 4.2 CLA (launch edition) (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Gravel 4.2 CLA (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Gravel 4.2 CLA White (only front wheel) 

WHSGR42_03 (only front wheel) 

WHSGR42_04 (only front wheel) 

WHSGR42_05 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 3.5 CLA (only front wheel)  WHSRD35_03 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 3.6 CLA 2024 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 3.6 CLA 2024 White (only front wheel) 

WHSRD36_04 (only front wheel) 

WHSRD36_05 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 5.0 CLA (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 5.0 CLA Chrome (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 5.0 CLA Gold (only front wheel) 

WHSRD50_03 (only front wheel) 

CWHSRD50_03 (only front wheel) 

GWHSRD50_03 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 5.0 CLA 2024 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset Road 5.0 CLA 2024 White (only front wheel) 

WHSRD50_04 (only front wheel) 

WHSRD50_05 (only front wheel) 

Wheelset M25/30 CLA (only front wheel)  WHSM2530_03 (only front wheel) 

The replacement end caps will improve the durability of the bearings. If you want to complete a full service of the front hubs, we advise you to use the below bearing revision set below, available to order:

Classified front hub bearings 2.0 - FHB-0000-A00-A-00


4. Powershift hub upgrade

4.1 Context

Based on feedback from pro riders, athletes and customers, we have decided to introduce new bearings, which will further extend the system's durability. This improvement requires the hub to be factory-serviced.


4.2 How to identify if you need to make an upgrade

You will need to find and check your hub’s serial number. All 142mm Classified Powershift hubs with a serial number between 000001 and 0012735 can require an upgrade.


4.3 Procedure for stock

      1. If you have any Powershift hubs in stock with a serial number below 012735, please reply to this email with an overview of the serial numbers.
      2. We will swap your stock and send you improved hubs. Please also check your test and demo bikes.

4.4 Procedure for customers

        1. For customers who use the Powershift hubs with serial numbers below 0012735, we will offer a free Factory Service to update them to the same level of quality as our latest hub.
        2. A Factory Service can be requested by both distributors, dealers and end users using this link.

4.5 What is a Classified Factory Service?

The Factory Service is not just a tune-up, it’s a comprehensive care package for your hub and includes the following: - Full hub inspection - Bearing replacement - Regreasing of the hub - End-of-line efficiency testing The service has to be scheduled in advance, and depending on the workload, Classified has the right to propose a date other than the one you request. This ensures a throughput time of five days (excluding shipping costs). The service can be requested directly at support.classified-cycling.cc.


4.6 Affected components

All 142mm Classified Powershift hubs with a serial number between 0000001 and 0012735. The 148mm Powershift hub, and the Powershift hub with a nine-spline interface, are not affected.




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